Nirma University started Doctoral Programmes in the year 2003. The PhD Programmes offered in the University are by the Faculty of Technology & Engineering, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Management, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Architecture.
The Faculty of Doctoral Studies and Research is the co-ordinating faculty for the PhD programmes run by the constituent institutes of the University. The University offers Full-time and Part-Time PhD programmes. The admissions are scheduled annually in various PhD programmes, and the announcement in the newspaper/website is also published.
To encourage and help the meritorious students, the University provides different scholarships every year. The eligibility criteria and amount for awarding scholarships vary from institute to institute.
More information on the scholarships can be obtained from the respective website page of the institute.
Candidates appearing in the final year Degree examination can also apply, provided they furnish proof of meeting the minimum eligibility criteria at the time of joining the programme.
Eligible candidates, who intend to take admission for PhD are required to apply in a prescribed online application form along with a non-refundable processing fee of Rs.1250/-. The payment should be made online by credit card/debit card/net banking.
Candidates, who intend to take admission for PhD have to apply in a prescribed proforma. On the receipt of applications, an Entrance Test will be conducted for the eligible candidates irrespective of number of applications received, which will be followed by an interview by the Departmental Research Committee.
The selection criterion for the admission in PhD programmes are as under:
Candidates are selected based on the following criteria:
The interview/viva-voce shall also consider the following aspects, viz. whether:
On the recommendation of the Departmental Research Committee and on the approval of the Dean, Faculty of Doctoral Studies & Research, a list of the selected candidates will be displayed on the notice board / website of the University. However, the final admission will be given after getting eligibility as per the provisions of the relevant regulations of the University.
The allocation of a Research Supervisor for a selected research scholar shall be decided by the Department Research Committee depending on the number of scholars per Research Supervisor, the available specialisation among the Supervisors and research interests of the scholars as indicated by them at the time of interview/viva voce.
The regulations for PhD programme under which the admitted students will be governed are available on the website link –
The research scholar has to publish at least one research paper in refereed journal and make two paper presentations in reputed national/international conferences/seminars or the research scholar has to publish at least two research paper in refereed journal and make one paper presentations in reputed national/international conferences/seminars before the submission of the thesis for evaluation and produce evidence for the same in the form of presentation certificates and/or reprints.
At least one research paper should be in the journal indexed in Web of Science / ‘Q2 or higher category’ of Scopus / ‘B or higher category’ of ABDC.
Provided further that, the remaining journal publication as mentioned above should be in the refereed journal indexed in the Web of Science / Scopus / ABDC / EBSCO (For Architecture & Design) / UGC-CARE List (For Law, Management, Architecture and Commerce).
To Apply Online: Click here
For any query contact:
Phone: 079-71652682
Fax:+ 91-02717-241917-241916